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The first ever 3D printed presidential portrait is now on view at the Smithsonian!

3D Systems is proud to have worked with the Smithsonian on printing President Obama’s 3D portrait. We designed the printable digital models, and printed the life mask and bust of the President using our Selective Laser Sintering printers—industrial grade machines that produce high-resolution 3D prints. 

We chose SLS printing for this task due to that technology’s ability to create prints with stunning detail and excellent surface finishes. SLS parts have long been trusted within the fields of automotive, aerospace, and industrial design for their durability and functionality. Our Quickparts on demand print service team has additionally tested a variety of long-lasting coatings that ensure museum quality prints with preventative UV protection and certified material properties.

We are truly thrilled with the results of this collaboration and encourage you to check it out at the Smithsonian. Click here to watch a video from the White House that details the entire project.