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We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Nylon as a core material for the CubePro desktop 3D printer. This rugged and versatile material is a tremendously exciting addition to our desktop portfolio and brings new, high impact capabilities to 3D printing in the home, business or lab setting.

We could wax poetic about the virtues of Nylon, but we’ve boiled it down to these key points:

  • Nylon is strong and durable, making it perfect for functional, rigorous testing 
  • It’s flexible and resilient, giving it the ability to move, bend and return to its original shape without breaking or cracking
  • Nylon is compatible with Infinity Rinse Away material, enabling a beautifully clean finish on complex, organic or intricate geometries

In short: Nylon is a powerful and versatile 3D printing workhorse that puts proof of concept, functional testing and small-scale manufacturing within reach. To get a sense of the kinds of applications Nylon enables, check out the Testing Grounds video below, or click here for more information on Nylon’s tech specs.

What will you make with high impact 3D printing?